HEAT – Anjali x GPS Music
Our collaborations with Anjali continue! ‘Heat’ is the story of a troupe of female factory workers who grow increasingly frustrated with their surroundings. Playing on themes of labour, resistance and feminine uprising, ‘Heat’ is also a story of feeling overwhelmed by the increasingly chaotic state of the world, and wanting to retreat into comfort. Ultimately, the women realize that through rising up in numbers and unleashing their fierce feminine power, they can find their way to liberation.
Anjali’s projects like all of our GPS projects, keeps a focus on people of color, and what a group of fierce, savage, and talented women of colour it took to put this video together.
Anjali explains, “It is also a story of how I felt last year when it seemed like the world was ending — a refugee crisis blowing out of control, a mad orange man running the world. Many of us oscillate between a feeling of helplessness and fierce resistance. This song is a call for a new age brought in by a powerful, unabashed female power and people-powered resistance.”
If you would like the high quality mp3 of “Heat” as well as the Heat Package, visit:
And you can catch us along side Anjali, performing “Heat” live in Toronto at Desi Fest, June 2nd. Follow us on instagram to confirm our exact performance time.
If you enjoyed ‘Heat’, make sure you check out our brand new album, “Tonight”. Anjali is featured on the single Bad Boy, the video of which will be coming out soon!
All our Toronto peeps, #BeReady!!
“Heat” was created with the help of Creative BC, the BC Music Fund, and the Province of BC.
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